Tax Preparation
Why Choose Us for Tax Prep?

Simple and Transparent Pricing
Do you ever get frustrated when you want or need to purchase something and you don’t know what it costs up front? If you’ve ever had a medical procedure done then you know what I’m talking about. Well, I’ve always disliked companies that operate that way and vowed to make things at my company very simple and transparent. With that said, head on over to our Pricing Page to see how much we charge for preparing tax returns.

We Know Your Personal Situation
As a financial planning and investment management client of B.E.S.T. Wealth Management, LLC, we know a lot about you and this helps us to more accurately prepare your tax return. This allows us to provide more accurate tax planning recommendations, tax projections, and tax preparation.
For example, IRS Forms don’t always reflect your actions and if you convert some of your IRA to a Roth IRA or use your IRA to make charitable contributions, this will not fully show up on your 1099R. Why is this problematic? Because if not recorded properly, this could unnecessarily cost you hundreds if not thousands of dollars. And if we are the ones who recommended that you do these things with your investments, we’ll know to record everything properly.

We Can Work With You in Any State
If you are located in a different state from us (Missouri), then that will be no problem for us. We can prepare your tax return no matter which state you live in.

We're Available to Talk Any Time at No Extra Cost
If you are starting a business, buying a rental property, wondering whether to contribute to an IRA or a Roth IRA, or anything else, you can reach out to us for tax advice at no extra cost! This is especially beneficial for those who are already investment management / financial planning clients as we will know the details of your situation and be able to give you more thorough advice.

Help With Calculating Withholdings on Pay Stubs
Knowing your goals and your financial situation allows us to advise you on how many W-4 withholdings you should claim on your income. Or alternatively, if you have pension or retirement income, we can advise you to either withhold more taxes if we project that you will owe or withhold less taxes if we project a refund. Furthermore, if you have investment income, then that alone could require you to be short on tax withholding. And this may result in you facing a tax underpayment penalty. We can help you avoid that.

We Stand by Our Work
We pride ourselves on doing a good job for our clients. If for some reason we are in error, we will respond to any IRS inquiries or make any amendments at no extra charge.

Importance of Coordinating Taxes and Investments!
If you make a tax savings decision without considering your investments or if you make an investment decision without considering your taxes, then you could create problems.
For example, if you contribute to a Traditional IRA or 401(k) today to immediately lower your taxes, this could create problems down the road. When it comes time to take money out of these accounts (either voluntarily or IRS mandated) you could find yourself in a much higher tax bracket in the future. Additionally, you may find that other services such as Medicare become more expensive for you.
Another example is, if you make a decision to change your investment mix / risk, this could result in capital gains which could push you into a higher tax bracket. The end result is that you could end up paying higher Medicare premiums, missing out on potential tax credits, exposing more of your Social Security to taxation, or missing out on the ability to have your investment income taxed at 0%.
As a result, it’s very important that you coordinate your tax decisions with your investments so that you don’t unknowingly create a problem elsewhere!
Types of Returns We Won't be Doing at This Time
At this time, we are limiting our tax return preparation to individuals, families, sole proprietorships, Trusts, and Estates. As such, we will not be doing S-Corp, C-Corp, or Partnership returns. If you need a referral to prepare one of these tax returns, let us know and we’d be happy to provide one to you.